Geopathic Stress

Geopathic Stress Consultancy


Where can it occur and what are the indications?

 People sleeping above an area of geopathic stress often have disturbed sleep patterns and wake up feeling tired and irritable.  Babies and children do not sleep well, and this causes problems for both them and their parents.  Because we spend about a third of our lives in bed negative energy in this area can cause serious complaints.  The atmosphere in the house or part of it may be depressive or gloomy or may just not seem right. There may be something people just don’t like about the house, even though they can’t “put their finger on it”.  Certain houses may be difficult to sell.  Geopathic stress can affect the fabric of the building.  Pavements and walls may crack, plaster become damp and light bulbs blow for no apparent reason. Redecorated rooms still feel gloomy and “not quite right”.

Shops do not prosper if built on geopathicaly stressed ground because prospective customers will not want to stay on the premises.  Offices or places of work may have an unusually high absentee or sickness rate compared to average.  In fact, anywhere where we spend a significant amount of time, geopathicaly stressed ground will affect our wellbeing.

Although detrimental energies affect our health, there are certain organisms which prosper above these energies; examples of these are:  cherry, nectarine, peach, and elderberry, mistletoe, fir and oak trees, cats, bees, ants, insects, bacteria and parasites. Alternatively, along with us humans, the following are examples of organisms which suffer from being exposed to detrimental energies:  apple, pear, nut, beech, and plum trees; currant bushes, lilacs and sun flowers; dogs, horses, cows, pigs, chickens and birds. So, for example, wherever your dog likes to rest is a good place for you.  Cats on the other hand indicate the opposite.

What can we do?

First of all we should pay particular attention to where we spend a large proportion of our time.  The most important place is our bed where we spend about a third of our lives, followed by for example, our workplace, school, college, favourite chair or kitchen.   We need to be able to be aware of any detrimental area and avoid it wherever possible, by, for example, moving our bed or chair.

How do you know if an area is detrimental or not?  That is the service I provide.  As most of the energies involved are not yet detectable by scientific instruments, I use the ancient art of dowsing to locate the detrimental area such as the underground water stream or energy line.   Most people know dowsing as a means of finding water with a twig, but it is used for much more.  Many doctors in Germany, Austria and France use dowsers in their health care programs.  Indeed, many of them undertake it personally.  Several of the authoritative figures from the history of dowsing were in fact medical dowsers, for example, Dr. Curry, who discovered the existence of the dangerous network of earth lines named after him.   Dowsing is also used by some alternative health practices in the U.K.   Government departments and public utilities both here and abroad sometimes discretely use dowsers. Dowsing was used by the US Marines to locate Viet Cong tunnels.

Professor Hans Dieter Betz (Professor of Physics, Munich University) headed a team of scientists that investigated the ability of dowsers to find underground drinkable supplies, taking them to 10 different countries and, on the advice of dowsers, sank some 2,000 wells with a very high success rate.  In Sri Lanka, where the geological conditions are said to be difficult, some 691 wells were drilled, based on the advice of dowsers, with a 96% success rate.  Geohydrologists given the same task took two months to evaluate a site where a dowser would compete his survey in minutes. The geohydrologists had a 21% success rate, as a result of which the German government have sponsored 100 dowsers to work in the arid zones of Southern India to find drinkable water.

In 1989, a group of researchers in Austria completed a two-year study on the short -term consequences of human association with detrimental earth radiation sites. Some 985 people were tested with 462,421 measurements recorded from 6,943 tests. The working party was headed by Dr. Otto Bergsmann (Internal Medicine), a professor at the University of Vienna. A 158-page report gave details of changes in the serum values of serotonin, zinc and calcium after being exposed to these noxious fields for a period of ten minutes.  There were many other altered states to biological functions noted as a result of short-term exposure to these forces.  This group has now linked with two universities in Austria studying the effects of disturbed zones on the immune system.  Indications thus far support the findings of Dr. Ernst Hartmann who claimed that the protective role of the immune system was undermined when immersed in emissions of detrimental earth radiation.

Dr.  Paul G. Seeger,  Former  Chief  of  Cancer  Research,    Charite`  Hospital,   Berlin,  Germany said  “No serious-minded criticism,  be it ever so prejudiced,  can afford to ignore proofs of the existence of pathogenic telluric influences.   Hundreds of cancer institutes all over the world have spent billions without having found any convincing proof of cancer’s cause.    Why has it not been possible to spend a few million of that huge sum for a thorough investigation of telluric radiation as a prime cause of cancer in human beings?   Why has this newly discovered continent of knowledge not been applied to cancer prevention?”



Electric power systems work at around 50hz just above the naturally occurring frequency of 30hz generated by the Earth.  Our bodies are tuned in to this low frequency so any frequency close to this is going to interfere with us, such as the 50hz Ac mains power system used in the UK.  ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic fields vibrating from 0.5 to 100hz, even if they are weaker than the Earth’s field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed.  Chronic stress and impaired disease resistance results.

The frequencies that ELF AC systems use is very close to the natural brain rhythms of cerebrate creatures such as man.  The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field.  As a result, it functions abnormally when exposed to abnormal fields close to its own.  Because the pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as melatonin, dopamine, serotonin and others) its abnormal functioning can cause neurological and behavioural problems.

In 1990 the United States Environmental Protection Agency stated “In conclusion, after an examination of the available data over the past 15 years, there is evidence of a positive association of exposure to magnetic fields with certain site-specific cancer, namely leukaemia, cancer of the central nervous system, and to a lesser extent, lymphomas. This is supported by many studies of children and adults across many different populations and sub-groups.


Your Geopathic Stress Survey

Geopathic stress is Greek for disease of the earth; however, in modern times it covers much more including:

·         Harmful radiation from energy lines both manmade and the Earths own system sometimes referred to as Ley lines, energy lines or Global grid lines
·         Radon Gas
·         Harmful radiation from the electricity supply from appliances and external sources such as pylons, underground wiring and substations
·         Harmful radiation from wireless broadband and cordless phones
·         Harmful radiation from mobile phone masts


The ancient art of dowsing is used to locate underground streams and different types of the aforementioned energy lines such as Ley lines and global grid lines.  Dowsing has been successfully used by governments, organisations, the army and businesses for locating underground water around the world for over 100 years.  Over the last 70 years dowsing has also been used to locate the subtle energies associated with the various types of energy lines.

It is clear that a modern Geopathic Stress survey should check for all of the above. To not do so, means your health remains at risk.  So whilst dowsing is used to locate features such as underground streams and energy lines, modern scientific instruments need to be used to detect manmade harmful electromagnetic radiation and radon gas. A survey should start by checking on where you spend the most time such as your bed before moving on to check the rest of your property.

A question often asked is what can be done about any Geopathic stress that is found? Well don’t worry I won’t leave you with discovered problems and no solutions!  If I can’t fix the detrimental area at the time of your survey, I will advise you on the best course of action to take to deal with any detrimental areas.

When considering the best course of action to take to remedy Geopathic Stress it is important to consider what particular feature has caused the area to become detrimental to your health.  Once the survey has identified what specifically has caused the area to become detrimental then the best possible solution can be recommended.  So, you will see that if one claims to be suffering from geopathic stress the detrimental effects could be coming from a number of different sources.

There are a number of devices on the market that claim to remedy geopathic stress some of them are very expensive.  In my opinion unless the manufactures can explain how the device deals with a particular feature of geopathic stress their effectiveness is questionable.  Over the years I have found that it is not necessary to spend money on expensive devices or gadgets to remedy geopathic stress

Some geopathic stress consultants advertise that they will remotely dowse your property and fix any problems remotely.  It is very unlikely that they will be able to deal with manmade electromagnetic radiation in this way.   In fact, I would be amazed if I placed a scientific instrument next to a detrimental electromagnetic source and I then found that a dowser could then remove the radiation displayed on my scientific instrument by dowsing!  Whilst I do not dispute the effectiveness of the mind and dowsing to influence the more subtle features causing Geopathic stress remotely,  I would question how effective and permanent the transformation would be.

Whilst remote dowsing on a diagram of the property can be helpful in checking a site before a visit; to rely solely on this method in my view means your health may still remain at risk as much more can be covered with a onsite visit to your property where a full check combining dowsing and scientific instruments can be used.  Using muscle testing kinesiology techniques with you I can demonstrate the effects of any detrimental areas on your body and then check again to see if the area has improved or I can demonstrate physically to you that the area is safe.

  1. My first priority would be to locate a safe area for you, in many cases this may mean simply moving your bed or chair a few feet for example. In my 20 years of experience this rarely means moving house!
  1. If it is not possible to move you to a safe area because you have fitted furniture for example, depending on what is causing the problem it may be possible to employ a method to make that area safe.

A typical survey on a 3-bed property takes up to 2 hours.  I will locate any areas which are detrimental your health or the health of your family and advise you of any safe areas you could use instead.  Where possible I will affect a remedy before leaving,  if this is not possible, I will advise you of the best course of action to take to affect a solution.  You can contact me after the survey for further advice at any time free of charge.

I have over 20 years of experience as a Geopathic stress consultant, and I am registered on the British Society of Dowsers Professional register.  I am also a British Society of Dowsers registered tutor and run approved BSD approved courses on dowsing, Geopathic stress and associated subjects.



“The service provided was very professional and Mr. Craddock identified underground streams which corresponded with our knowledge of the ground. D. Weeks

“Very satisfied with advice given”, C. Moore